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Celebrating Graduating Classes and New Trainees

This is a time of transitions.  Summer is waning.  Leaves have begun their shift from hues of green to the vibrancy of fall.  Program Directors are welcoming new trainees while celebrating the accomplishments of departing trainees.  New trainees are learning about their local communities; mastering their new EMRs; acclimating to various clinics.  New graduates have […]

Standard 4 — Eligibility for Accreditation – It’s About Quality and Competence

I’ve been thinking about how to present the topic of eligibility for accreditation.  The answer came when my husband and I made a recent day-trip that included two round-trip ferry rides.  For ferries and for accreditation the determinants of success are quality and competence, not size or longevity. Let me tell you a bit more about […]

An Invitation to Digital Introverts

Over the past several months, I’ve been reading Candice Rettie’s blog posts on the National Nurse Practitioner Residency & Fellowship Training Consortium website and have been talking with her about these posts.   I will admit, I often just scan them.  I get hundreds of emails every day, and read a lot of different blogs.  So, […]

Accreditation–Standard 3 Evaluation

Continuing the baking theme from the last curriculum blog – Have you ever watched The Great British Bake Off (GBBO) on PBS? It is an annual 10-week competition where amateur bakers demonstrate their craftsmanship with cakes, breads, pastries and desserts.  The contestants assemble for a few hours in the chilly British country-side under a large garden party […]

Accreditation — Standard 3 Evaluation

There is lots of news about the upcoming 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympic games.  Will Rio be ready?  Will there be doping sanctions?  Which athletes are going to represent the United States?  After the CDC posted a Level 2 Alert in response to the threat from Zika, stellar US athletes in golf and soccer gave notice that […]

Accreditation — Standard 2 Curriculum — Learning Objectives

I had been struggling with how to present the topic of learning objectives…  actually I’d been actively avoiding it for weeks.  The house sparkled, professional articles were read, novels finished, gardens weeded, family vacations planned, family and friends visited, desk cleared, new to-do-list begun… You get the idea. I wrote and deleted at least five […]

Musings — Accreditation Provides Common Ground

Current events continue to offer haunting stories of violence and destruction. Nevertheless, in the midst of tragedy, there continue to be acts of kindness, generosity, and mutual respect. What are the lessons to be learned that can make a real difference, now and in the future?  What does it take to “keep calm and carry […]

Musings — Rainbows, July 4th, and Accreditation

This 4th of July weekend we were traveling from DC to Maryland’s Eastern Shore.  We were driving over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (a 4.3+ mile span over the Chesapeake Bay) in the middle of a torrential/hail rainstorm. Suddenly off to the south over open waters the sun broke through the clouds. A rainbow was born. […]

Accreditation — Standard 2 Curriculum cont’d

This will wrap up our discussion of the concept of curriculum. Future blogs will address objectives within the curriculum and how to crosswalk these concepts with the unique identity of your training program. Then we will move on to the subsequent Standards. Let’s briefly review what we’ve covered so far: The curriculum is the map […]